Mai Hernon
Traditional singer
Feb 9th @ 7.30pm
Celtic Font
Tapistry Sceries
Thomas More College, Ky
March 4th @2pm
Celtic Font
Kennedy Hall
Xavier University
Cincinnati OH
March 12th @ 2pm
Celtic Font
Seasons Retirement Home
7300Dearwester dr.
Cincinnati OH
uly 14th @ 7.30pm
Celtic Font
in Concert @
Clifton Opera House
Clifton OH
July 30th
Celtic Font
Dayton Celtic Fest OH
Sunday 12 noon
Singing workshop @ 4pm
In cultural tent.
Aug 4th/5th/6th
Mai Hernon
Workshop in Traditional singing
@Dublin Irish Festival
Sat 1pm and Sun 5pm
Dance workshop with
Shamrocker's Dance Troop
at 2.30pm
Aug.16th @7 to 11pm
Celtic Font
Hanks Mount Carmel Bar
Mount Carmel
Cincinnati OH
Aug 19th/20th
Celtic Font
Berea Celtic Fest
Saturday @2pm singing workshop
Saturday evening@7.30
The Celtic Gala Concert
@Union Church Berea KY
Sept 16th
Celtic Font
Private event@
Doyles River Camp
Dayton KY @8pm
Oct 27th 28th 29th
Mai Hernon
Special Guest
Roscommon Traditional singing weekend
Info will be posted.
March 17th @ 1pm
Celtic Font
Senior Center
7015 Walnut St
Urbana OH 43078
March 17th@6pm
Celtic Font
Irish Heritage Center
Eastern Ave
March 17th@8pm
Celtic Font
Brew River
Eastern Ave
April, 12, 13, 14
Mai Hernon
Private workshop
Summit NewJersey
April 17th
Mai Hernon
Private Event
Dayton OH
April 29th @ 9am till 5pm
Mai Hernon
History and song
@ The Irish conference
McConnell Springs
Lexington KY
Jan 31st @ 7.30pm
Celtic Font
The Dilly Deli
Feb 11th
Mai Hernon
Dance workshop
Dublin OH Community Church
10am to 4pm
FEb 24th
Celtic Font
Thomas Moore College
Tapistry series
March 5th@2pm
Celtic Font
Kennedy Auditorium
Xavier University,
March 17th @ 1pm
Celtic Font
Senior Center
7015 Walnut St
Urbana OH 43078
March 17th@6pm
Celtic Font
Irish Heritage Center
Eastern Ave
March 17th@8pm
Celtic Font
Brew River
Eastern Ave
April, 12, 13, 14
Mai Hernon
Private workshop
Summit NewJersey
April 17th
Mai Hernon
Private Event
Dayton OH
April 29th @ 9am till 5pm
Mai Hernon
History and song
@ The Irish conference
McConnell Springs
Lexington KY
(May 16th to 30th)
Irish Tour,
Info to be posted.
March 16th at 10 am
Baptist Church
Westren Hills
Cincinnati OH
March 15th @ 4pm
Celtic Font
Private party
Wellington Senior Living
Cincinnati OH
March 17th @12 noon
Brew River bar
Cincinnati OH
March 17th @8pm
Celtic Font
Irish Heritage Center
Eastern Ave
Cincinnati OH
April 14th @9am
Irish/American gathering
McConnell Springs
Lexington KY
June 2nd @ 7.30pm
Celtic Font
Clifton Opera House
Clifton OH
Dayton Celtic Fest
July Sat 28th/29th
Time to be confirmed
August 3rd and 4th
Dublin Irish Fest,
Dublin OH
Fri 3rd 6 pm to 6.45pm
Sat 4th 6 pm to 6.45 pm
Workshop on singing
ITour Dates for 2015
Feb 27th
Celtic Font
Wild West Irish Tours
OToole's Restaurant and Pub
4800 Forest Hill Ave.
Richmond VA
Feb 28th
Celtic Font
Playing for Wild West Irish Tours
Kibby's Restaurant and Lounge
3450 Wilkens Ave
Baltimore, MD
March 1st
Celtic Font
Wild West Irish Tours
The Auld Shebeen
3971 Chainbridge rd.
Fairfax VA
March 14th
St Patrick's weekend
Fountain Sq
March 14th
Molly Malone's
Covington KY
4pm to 7pm
March 14th
Celtic Font
Private house concert
March 15th
Sis's on Monmouth
Newport KY
5 to 8pm
March 17th
Celtic Font
The Brazenhead Irish Pub
Mason Ohio.
April 11th 2015
Irish Conerence @Lexington KY
From 9am to 5pm
McConnell Springs Park
416 Rebmann Ln.
Lexington KY 40504
May 2nd
Celtic Font
The Brazenhead Irish pub
Mason Ohio
May 30th
Celtic Font
1st Annual Brazenfest
Late night concert: 11pm to 1am
The Brazenhead Irish pub
,Mason, Ohio,
July 12th to the 18th
Traditional singing workshops/performing
Catskills Irish Arts Week
East Durham NY
for more info go to website
July 25th to 26th
Celtic Font
Dayton Celtic Festival
Dayton Ohio
schedule to be announced
July 31st
Dublin Irish festival Ohio
Fri July 31st at 8pm to 8.45pm
and Sat Aug 1st 4pm to 4.45pm
Mai Giving workshop
Sept, 22nd @ 12 noon
Celtic Font
Christ Church Cathedral
Downtown Cincinnati
Lunchtime concert
Sept 26th
Celtic Font
1pm to 4pm
Half way to St Patrick's Day
The Brazenhead Irish pub
Mason, Ohio.
Oct. 2nd
7pn to 9.30
Benefit concert.
Celtic Font
Emerson Hall
405 Washington Ave,
Albany NY 12206
Oct 3rd and 4th
The Parting Glass Irish PUb
40-42 Lake Ave.
Saratoga Springs, NY
Traditional singing workshops
with Mai,
Classes start 10a.m until 2
Sat and Sun.
and Concert Sat 3rd at 2.30 with
Celtic Font
Sunday 11th
Dorchester Irish Heritage Fest
Mai performing on the Florian Hall stage at 2pm
Celtic Font performing on The McKeon Stage at 3.30
Nov 12th
Trí Scéalta
Mai performs with this trio in:
Molly Malone's (upstairs)
Covington KY on 12th Nov at 7.30pm
Radio show with Cindy Funk (The Green Place)
on WYSO public Radio, at 6pm
Sis's Restaurant on Monmouth, Newport, Ky
Sunday 15th at 5pm
The Piper's hut Concert Series
The upper Bout, 723 S Neil St.
Champaign, Illinois, 61820
Wed 18th Nov
House Concert
Carbondale IL
Celtic Connections Radio Program
Thursday 19th Nov.
Jan 11th 2016
Mai Hernon
giving talk
Northmont Branch library,
Ohio. 6.30/8pm
Jan 25th 6.30 to 8pm
Celtic Font
Miamisburg Library
Feb 8th 6.30 to 8pm
Mai Hernon
Giving talk at Vandalia Library
Feb 12th 2016 at 7pm
Celtic Font
Thomas More College
Tapestry Series
Feb 15th 6.30 to 8pm
Mai Hernon
Giving talk at Willmington Sroop Library
March 7th 3 to 4 pm
Celtic Font
4 seasons Retirement Centre
Private event.
March 15th 2016@ 12 noon
Celtic Font
Christ Church Cathedral
Downtown Cincinnati
Lunchtime concert
March 17th @ 7.30
Celtic Font
Sis's Family Affair
Monmouth St Newport
Trí Scéalta
Mini Tour
March 19th
Interview with Mike Kerr
on "Celtic Air" WNTN 1550
March 20th
Hibernian Cultural Center
Fiddlers Green 19 Temple St
Worcester MA 01604
March 22nd
Sally O'Briens
335 Summerville Ave
March 24th
Private house concert
Boston Folk Society
Watertown, MA
March 29th
Private House concert
Woburn MA
Tour Dates for 2016
June 3rd at 7.30pm
Celtic Font
Clifton Opera House
June 9th
Celtic Font
Private Party
Springfield Nursing Home OH
June 13th@ 7pm
Mai Hernon
Giving Dance workshop
Lexington KY
425 Patchen Dr. Lexington KY
June 19th @3pm
Celtic Font
Florence Public Library
Florence KY
July 30th and July 31st
Dayton Celtic Festival OH
Mai Hernon
Song workshop
Sat 1pm and Sun 3pm
July 31st @ 12 noon to 1pm
Celtic Font
On th e Pub Stage
Aug 5th to 7th
Mai Hernon
Dublin Ohio Irish Festival
Sat 1pm and Sun 2.30pm.
Aug 20th
Mai Hernon
With Irish TV
Interviewing for "Out and About USA" @
The Milwaukee Irish Fest
Mai Hernon
Sept 9th to 11th
Workshops/ Singing/Dancing
Atlanta GA
Info will be posted.
Nov 4th and 5th
Mai Hernon
Irish Traditions Atlanta Festival
Singing Workshop and Concert
Nov 19th @ 7.30pm
Celtic Font
Clifton Opera House
Clifton, OH
Dec 7th 7pm to 9.30pm
Singing workshop
Mai Hernon
Irish Arts Center,
553 West 51st New York.10019
Traditional singing workshop.
Dec 9th From 5.30 to 8.30
Mai Hernon
Singing Workshop
Irish Cultural Center
Canton, Boston MA
Dec 10th 7.30pm
Celtic Font
Arts in the Armory
Somerville MA
Dec 14th @ 7.30pm
Celtic font
The Aubgerine Cafe
49-22 Skillman Ave.,
Sunnyside, New York 11104
Dec 17th @ 8pm
Celtic font
The peoples Voice Cafe
Community Church of NY
40 East 35th St., New York 10016